Testing the tools #1 HP Virtual User Generator 11.5

Written by: admin
Wednesday, 27 February 2013 23:51

Hello everyone and welcome to the first entry of the “Testing the tools” series which will be focused on giving a first look of updates and new software of the leading testing tools.

Today I will be talking about HP Load Runner 11.5 (build 2216).


The first thing that caught my eye is that the installer doesn’t use the standard HP logo, a new clover shaped icon is used instead.
The installation hasn’t changed a lot since Load Runner 9, it is a really straightforward process that can take up to 45 minutes to install depending on every machine.
In this version the first thing that I noticed is a new and fresh design (graphically speaking) of the installer but the installation process didn’t change at all.

Virtual User Generator (VuGen)

The most noticeable change is found here where we can see a completely new look and feel of the overall application.


In this new version a lot of protocols were added for mobile testing including but not limited to Ajax TruClient (Mobile, Internet explorer and firefox), MAPI and Mobile applications. It is really exiting, since all of our client’s needs change every day.
The recording process is basically the same, selecting the protocol (or protocols), recording the script and tuning the script (correlating and/or adding parameters).
After recording the script the new Design studio pops out, one of the new features is that it can correlate functions before execution, this will make the scripting faster.

When we correlate using the design studio the function that is created uses a regular expression instead of the “old fashioned” boundary way.

Another feature that must be highlighted is the new coding colors that make our scripts a lot easier to read.
It is worth mentioning that now we can add our scripts to a solution just like we do on Visual Studio

Published in: Performance Testing

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