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TDMS transfers data from all the modules of SAP to the quality system, therefore the quality system is approximately 90-95% consistent.
- As SAP is a highly customizable product all the customers have configured there systems as per their own requirements. For e.g. The HR module of a company ABC is customized such that all the leave approval will first be directed to the HR manager of the company rather than the reporting manager. The change in the standard procedure might also lead to change of references within the tables which cause inconsistencies. TDMS is a standard tool and the transfer of data takes place based on the standard settings.
- While TDMS was in progress, some temporary issue occurred and data from few of the tables were not transferred from the production to the target system. At times, the control table of TDMS also fails to update the information of such tables. In such cases, the user has no way to determine the erroneous tables. Hit and trial will only be the possible way to find out the names of the table with error.
In either of the two mentioned cases, ‘Consistent Delta migration system’ will transfer the delta from the production system to make the TDMS created system as consistent.
The below mentioned figure explains the normal processing of data migration using TDMS.